Blak & Abstract - 21st Century Indigenous Explorer

Blak & Abstract -  21st Century Indigenous Explorer

David Pearce, The Inventor (detail), 2023, Images courtesy of the artist.

This exhibition has past

20 Jul 2024  28 Jul 2024

Blak & Abstract -  21st Century Indigenous Explorer

David Pearce, The Inventor (detail), 2023, Images courtesy of the artist.

DatesSaturday 20 July 2024 to Sunday 28 July 2024
(This exhibition has past)
Times10:00am — 3:00pm
BookingNo bookings are required to visit the exhibition Opening Event: Friday 19 July 2024, 6:00pm - 8:00pm

Ngarrindjeri artist David Pearce challenges conventional perceptions of Aboriginal art in his exhibition, Blak & Abstract - 21st Century Indigenous Explorer.

Featuring large-scale, colorful abstract paintings on hessian from repurposed office dividers, as well as black paintings on canvas that express traditional totems and cultural symbolism, this exhibition offers a bold exploration of Indigenous identity, culture, and the modern Aboriginal experience.

An Ipswich Community Gallery exhibition.

Past Exhibitions and Events

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