Support the Gallery
Your donation to the Ipswich Arts Foundation helps purchase artwork and items of cultural significance.
The above donate button will take you to the Ipswich Arts Foundation website.

How to support
To support the Ipswich Art Gallery you can:
- Make a cash donation to the Ipswich Arts Foundation
- Donate an artwork to the Ipswich Art Gallery
- Leave a gift in your will
All cash donations over $2 and artwork approved under the Federal Government’s Cultural Gifts Program are tax deductible.
The generous support of our community has enabled us to become one of the leading art galleries in Queensland.
Now you can make a difference.
The below donate button will take you to the Ipswich Arts Foundation website.
Leave a lasting legacy

If you love art, you can leave a gift in your will. Bequests are an enduring way to support the Ipswich Art Gallery well into the future, creating opportunities for the community to access artistic experiences and to grow the Art Gallery’s collection.
If you want to leave a bequest, we recommend that you contact the Ipswich Arts Foundation as early as possible. We will work with you and your solicitor to facilitate your wishes for your estate, ensuring that your generosity is properly received and appropriately acknowledged.
Your generous gift will help future generations discover the arts and culture of our city.
Artwork donation
Want to share your love of art by donating an artwork from your own collection?
The Ipswich Art Gallery collection includes historical and contemporary artworks that are selected for inclusion in the collection by the Art Gallery’s curatorial team. Artworks in the collection are kept for future generations and shared with our community through our exhibitions and displays.
If you want to donate an artwork to the collection please discuss your potential donation with the Art Gallery first. Once your donated artwork is accepted, you can receive a tax deduction (equal to the market value of the artwork) by donating it through the Commonwealth Government’s Cultural Gifts Program, with assistance from the Art Gallery’s team.

About the Foundation
Foundation Chair:
Professor Alan Rix
Foundation Secretary:
Ms Claire Sourgnes (Director, Ipswich Art Gallery)
Foundation Members:
Mr Jeff Bugden, Dr Sophia Elmes, Mr Sandy Horneman-Wren SC, Ms Maria Kelly & Mr James Sturges.
The Ipswich Arts Foundation was established in 1997 to link government, business, and the community in their support of the Ipswich Art Gallery.
Our purpose is to financially support the Ipswich Art Gallery’s programs, collections and facilities. Supporting the Gallery means preserving Ipswich’s cultural history for the benefit of future generations.