Spirit of Place – here, there and everywhere: New Work by Sally Harrison

Sally Harrison
Aboriginal woman by torchlight 2022.
Courtesy of the artist.
Courtesy of the artist.
This exhibition has past
25 Jun 2022 — 21 Aug 2022

Sally Harrison
Aboriginal woman by torchlight 2022.
Courtesy of the artist.
Courtesy of the artist.
Dates | Saturday 25 June 2022 to Sunday 21 August 2022 (This exhibition has past) |
First Nations artist Sally Harrison lives and works in Ipswich.
Growing up as a member of the Stolen Generation, Harrison’s relationship with her land and people has been complicated for most of her life. Through painting, the artist has been able to connect with her Aboriginal identity and share her love of the land.
Spirit of Place – here, there and everywhere explores the deep appreciation Harrison has for the natural environment. This series invites viewers into the Australian landscape and offers an opportunity to explore the spiritual guidance it has provided to Indigenous people for thousands of years.
"For me, the purpose of art is to imbue my paintings with my feelings so that others can be transported to another dimension and feel what I feel about My Country."
– Sally Harrison