Little Histories: New Work by Rebecca Lewis

(inset) Rebecca Lewis
Francis Family, Russell Island 2019.
Courtesy of the artist.
Courtesy of the artist.
This exhibition has past
23 Apr 2022 — 19 Jun 2022

(inset) Rebecca Lewis
Francis Family, Russell Island 2019.
Courtesy of the artist.
Courtesy of the artist.
Dates | Saturday 23 April 2022 to Sunday 19 June 2022 (This exhibition has past) |
Every day stories from every day people...
Rebecca Lewis is a self-taught printmaker and collage artist living in Ipswich. Her exhibition Little Histories invites you into the lives of five families. Rebecca has created several collages to represent each of the families’ distinctive characters and their unique homes. She has paired these collages with recorded stories to bring each of the scenes to life.
"By collecting and sharing these small stories, these little histories, I hope that I’ve been able to elevate them to their rightful place amongst the sprawling humanity and history of South East Queensland."
– Rebecca Lewis