Icon & Archive: Photography and the World Wars

Studio portrait by John Lee
Courtesy of the Australian War Memorial, AWM065276.
This exhibition has past
18 Jul 2011 — 28 Aug 2011

Studio portrait by John Lee
Courtesy of the Australian War Memorial, AWM065276.
Dates | Monday 18 July 2011 to Sunday 28 August 2011 (This exhibition has past) |
Photographs are an inseparable part of our memory of war.
They have come to play a vital role in our efforts to remember and to commemorate events of which many of us have no direct experience.
While they can’t bring home the terrible experience of war, photographs can provide us with images that at least indicate something of its horror. This has been, from the start, one of the primary intentions of the war photograph. Icon & Archive draws on the Australian War Memorial's extensive collection and includes many iconic photographs that have become lodged in our national memory, as well as numerous superb photographs that are less well-known.
Icon & Archive: Photography and the World Wars is an Australian War Memorial Travelling Exhibition.

An Australian War Memorial Touring Exhibition