A Private Collection

Charles Lancaster
Private Collection.
This exhibition has past
12 May 2018 — 5 Jun 2018

Charles Lancaster
Private Collection.
Dates | Saturday 12 May 2018 to Tuesday 05 June 2018 (This exhibition has past) |
Belonging to an astute private collector, this uniquely personal collection of Australian art was assembled over a 60 year period.
The collection gathers together over 130 works and has a particular focus on Queensland artists. Artists featured include William Bustard, Robert Campbell, Julian Ashton, Lionel Lindsay and Charles Lancaster.
As a lasting gift to fellow admirers of traditional art, the collector has made plans for their artworks to be shared amongst a number of art galleries across Queensland. In addition, two art galleries will be the recipients of a very generous bequest.
The Ipswich Art Gallery is delighted to benefit from this bequest, the single most significant contribution to date by an individual to the Ipswich Arts Foundation.